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Lawn Care Blog

Brown patch fungus in lawn

Avoid These Three Common Summer Lawn Diseases

Atlanta’s hot summer temperatures unfortunately create the perfect conditions for a few summer lawn diseases that can be difficult to treat. Keep a close eye on your lawn during the summer months – since these conditions are common, they can appear relatively quickly. Here are three summer lawn diseases to watch out for this summer and a few tips on how to mitigate the risk of your lawn contracting them….

Monarch butterfly on zinnia flower.

Attract Butterflies to Your Garden with These Plants

Nothing feels more like summer than seeing butterflies floating around a colorful Atlanta garden. And since Georgia is home to a number of butterflies like monarchs, painted ladies, tiger swallowtails, and black swallowtails, it’s relatively simple to attract them to your lawn. In addition to adding beauty to your outdoor space, they will pollinate your flowers and help sustain a healthy garden. Below, we’ve listed a few flowers that are…