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Lawn Care Blog

Three potted plants on outdoor patio.

Enhancing Your Outdoor Living Space for Spring and Summer

Early spring is the perfect time to prepare your southern lawn and outdoor living space for the warmer months ahead. While your lawn wakes up and the days grow longer, take advantage of the natural beauty around you by creating an outdoor space for you and your family to enjoy. Read on for a few simple tips that will help you create an outdoor oasis at your own home.  …

Dog on lawn with chew toy.

How Dog Owners Can Keep Their Lawns Healthy

While we all love our canine friends, keeping your lawn lush and healthy when you own a dog can be challenging. From territory-marking to digging, your pet may have your lawn looking a little worse for the wear. If this is the case, read on for our tips on how to keep your southern lawn looking its best. If you’re noticing yellow or brown dead patches in your yard or…

Lawn mower in grass.

Lawn Maintenance Tools: What You Need and How to Use Them

We’re proud of our lawn treatment programs, but, like you, we are well aware that they are only part of a comprehensive lawn care regimen. Each of those tasks requires an appropriate tool. Walk into any home improvement store, and you’ll see an overwhelming selection. It’s hard to know where to start! To help you prepare for spring, we’ve listed the ones that are most important for keeping your Atlanta…

Close-up of dandelion weed.

Seven Tips to Nip Southern Weeds in the Bud

Springtime is just around the corner! The grass will soon be green again, and your garden’s flowers will start to bloom. Unfortunately, spring’s arrival also means that some other plants will start to crop up in your lawns and gardens — weeds. Before it gets much warmer, here are some tips for how to nip those pesky weeds in the bud. Know your weeds. Most of the wide variety of…

Purple and violet spring pansies.

5 Flowers to Plant Now for Early Spring Blooms

February means that spring is just around the corner. Though your lawn may look dormant, now is the time to start preparing for the upcoming warm season. Pre-spring treatments like aeration and fertilization are key to maintaining beautiful, thick grass. And if you’re anxious for some color to appear in your garden soon, try planting these five flowers that you’ll be able to harvest in early spring. While we’re sure…

Trees and shrubs in green lawn.

Atlanta Georgia Planting Season: What to Plant and When

We’re at the start of a brand new year, a great time to plan gardening and landscaping for the months ahead. Read on for our breakdown of what and when to plant cabbage in Georgia and other plants in your Atlanta garden. While maintaining a beautiful garden and lawn takes labor, you’ll be rewarded by a bounty of colorful, fragrant flowers, delicious vegetables, and a beautiful Atlanta lawn to enjoy…

Leaves on large houseplant.

Tips for Winter Houseplant Care

With the mild autumn temperatures behind us and winter officially here, you may have moved some of your plants indoors or added some houseplants to liven up your home during the long winter day. Here are our top tips to help your indoor plants reach their full potential this season: Water Smart: Most plants are in hibernation mode this time of year, requiring less water. Your plant doesn’t necessarily need a deep…

Red poinsettia blossom.

Holiday Plant Care Tips

With the holidays around the corner, your house and office are likely to soon be flooded with holiday plants. Kept indoors, the short shelf life of poinsettias doesn’t typically take them much beyond December. Other plants, however, can hang around for years if cared for properly. Here are our top tips for holiday plant selection and care: Poinsettias: When selecting your poinsettia, check the small yellow-green flowers at the branch…

Fall webworms in tree.

Are Fall Webworms a Concern?

What are those webs that encase groups of leaves on your trees this time of year? The work of fall webworms, of course. These autumn pests can be an unsightly addition to your Atlanta landscape as they munch on leaves and expand their nests across your foliage. Fortunately, they don’t typically cause permanent damage to your plants, but there are treatment options if you wish to eliminate these obnoxious caterpillars. Webworm 101…

Aeration of Fescue lawn.

Fall Fescue Care

Now’s that time when Fescue lawns have reached their low point. But have no fear – it’s a normal phenomenon, and with an effective Atlanta lawn care program, you can get your turf looking lush and green in no time. Summer stress does a number on cool-season turf like Fescue, causing bare patches and thinning grass. That’s why fall aeration and overseeding, paired with proper fertilization, is essential to recovering…