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How to Keep the Deer Out Without Harming Them or Your Garden

Is the local deer population constantly making a snack out of your favorite shrubs or garden plants? Hungry animals are often attracted to lush lawns and gardens, and wild deer are no exception. The Atlanta, Georgia area is well known for it’s thriving deer population, you may have a difficult time keeping them out of your vegetables or flowers. At Arbor-Nomics, we enjoy providing high quality lawn care services for clients in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding communities. Here are a few tips and tricks for keeping deer away from your yard without harming them.

Keep Their Favorite Plants Closer to Your Home
It’s important to understand which plants are favored by deer. Having this knowledge will help you to design your garden. Clematis, roses, berry bushes, azaleas and chrysanthemums are highly prized by most deer. Try to be strategic with the locations of these flavorful plants. Keeping them close to home will make it easier to keep an eye on them.

Create Natural Barriers with Trees, Shrubs and Plants
Plant species with a pungent taste, strong odor, thorns or irritating textures can make deer want to search elsewhere for food. Lavender, mullein, hyssop and boxwood shrubs are just a few examples. You can also surround your garden space with tall shrubs or ornamental trees like cypress or juniper. This can keep your tasty treats safely out of view.

Install a Fence
Fencing is another popular option. While installing a fence may be an additional expense, they are a worthwhile investment for homeowners who plan on gardening long term. Fences will not only protect against deer, but they can also prevent other pests from entering your outdoor spaces.

Spray Non-Toxic Deer Repellent Around the Garden’s Perimeter
Consider using nontoxic repellent sprays. There are many varieties available in the marketplace, be sure research well before choosing a brand. You can also make your own using hot peppers, rotten eggs, scented liquid soap, chili powder or garlic.

Make Use of Your Pet
Simply having a dog on site can make deer avoid your property. Their bark and the scent they leave behind can scare them away. So, take your dogs outside frequently and walk them through the garden a few times a week.

Use Motion Activated Lights and Sprinkler Systems
Deer will frequently eat at night to avoid being seen by humans or predators. Use this to your advantage and install motion activated security lights in or around the garden space. You can take this idea further and incorporate sprinkler systems with motion sensors. The combination is sure to spook any deer that may wander near your home.

Do You Need Professional Care for Your Lawn? Call Arbor-Nomics Today
Are you looking for more ways to protect and nurture your home’s outdoor space? Then call the professionals at Arbor Nomics. Our certified lawn care specialists offer a wide variety of popular services including fertilization, weed prevention, aeration and overseeding and more. Contact our office to speak with our friendly, knowledgeable experts or to schedule a convenient appointment with a lawn care specialist in Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Marietta, Alpharetta, Woodstock, Cumming, Georgia or any nearby metro area city.