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Signs of a Drought Stressed Lawn

By the end of Spring, many Atlanta area property owners may wonder if they will ever need to water their lawns again. However, by mid-summer, many lawns are extremely dry and in desperate need of nourishment. During these kinds of seasonal transitions, it can be difficult to know if your grass is getting enough water. Too much water can invite fungal diseases and other problems, but too little water can harm delicate roots. At Arbor-Nomics, we provide premium lawn care services for property owners in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding metro area neighborhoods. We enjoy helping our clients find ways to improve the health and vitality of their lawns and we want to do the same for your home. Here are some suggestions on how you can tell if your lawn has been stressed from excessive drought.

Slow Recovery
Healthy grass will usually bounce back easily after being walked on from time to time. However, if you can still see your footprints, or tire marks from your lawnmower, then there is a chance your grass blades lack moisture.

Healthy grass will be a luscious shade of dark green. Underwatered lawns may change to a gray, blue or even purple tint. While the change is often subtle, it can be a great signal for property owners to watch out for. At this stage, the grass can quickly recover. Wearing polarized sunglasses that reduce glare can help improve the ability to see these color differences. If the grass becomes straw colored or light brown, then you may be dealing with severe dehydration or the presence of fungal disease.

Wilting Grass Blades
When grass first becomes dehydrated, it will often wilt and begin curling into itself. Soon after, the wilted blades will begin to turn brown. If you notice that your grass has become dull or lifeless, then it may be time to turn on the sprinklers.

Cracked Soil
Cracked or gapping soil is a clear indication of drought stress. It is easiest to identify poor soil conditions when viewed in areas that are near sidewalks, driveways and curbs. If your soil has an above average clay content, it will be more susceptible to cracking.

How to Check for Soil Moisture Levels Using a Simple Screwdriver
One fast and affordable way to monitor moisture levels is to use a screwdriver. Place the metal side of the tool into your lawn’s soil. If there is enough water present, the screwdriver should easily push into the dirt. Poorly hydrated soil will be more difficult to penetrate. It will also be dryer and have a lighter tone.

Are You Worried About the Health of Your Grass? Call Arbor-Nomics Today
Have you been concerned about the overall condition of your grass this summer? There is no reason to wait for permanent damage to occur. Take care of your lawn today by calling Arbor-Nomics. Our Certified Landscape Specialists are always ready to lend a helping hand. Contact our office for more information about our wide variety of lawn care services or to schedule an appointment with a knowledgeable expert in your Atlanta area community.